Nestled in the picturesque Sobrarbe region of Huesca, Aínsa is a captivating village with a rich natural and cultural heritage, cherished by its residents. Home to around 2,297 people spread across 22 municipalities, Aínsa is defined by its historic charm, surrounded by the scenic Ara and Cinca river valleys. The village, enclosed within medieval walls, is a treasure trove of Romanesque architecture, offering delightful surprises at every corner. Known for its stunning natural beauty, Aínsa boasts access to the Río Vero Cultural Park and the Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, drawing in nature lovers from around the world.
Evolving Eco museum
Originally conceived in Aínsa a decade ago, Zona Zero Pirineos is a pioneering mountain biking network designed to promote sustainable tourism. This initiative has set an example across the Sobrarbe region, focusing on environmental preservation, job creation, and expanding the area’s tourism offerings. Recently honored with the Social Merit Medal by the Government of Aragón, Zona Zero Pirineos continues to attract eco-conscious visitors and adventure seekers.
Aínsa is renowned for its unique bird-watching experience, especially at its vulture feeder, where visitors can witness majestic birds like griffon vultures, Egyptian vultures, and bearded vultures in their natural habitat. This ecological site allows tourists to observe and admire these remarkable species, enriching the area’s biodiversity while fostering appreciation for avian wildlife.
Expanding Coscojuela de Sobrarbe Aerodrome
Located in the scenic Coscojuela de Sobrarbe municipality, Aínsa’s aerodrome has grown by 30%, thanks to internal agreements and municipal support. As one of the world’s most beautiful areas, the aerodrome’s expansion aims to enhance tourism facilities, offering travelers an exceptional entry point to explore the cultural and natural beauty of Aínsa and the greater Sobrarbe region.