The Dongbaek Town Preservation and Research Council is incorporated to play an essential part in village businesses. It is not a farming association, but a non-profit that returns all profits to the village. The council makes an income from voluntary resident participation, where its profits are used to purchase camellia seeds from residents, grow seedlings, manage experience programs, empower residents, or add to the village development fund or business reserve. The council manages the camellia colony, expands the cultivation size, and controls camellia oil quality.
The Dongbaek Town Preservation and Research Council, organized by residents, leads village entrepreneurships. All residents can join the council, which supports residents in planning new tourism businesses. The council works to attract more businesses to the Village such as retail, restaurants and accomodations, and to build a cooperative relationship with the Start-up Association (130 member companies) to attract tourists. We launched joint promotions through the council. Promotional pamphlets for experience programs are available at the Dongbaek Village Visitor Center; and KaReum Stay, Jeju Tourism Organization’s Jeju Village Tour brand, also supports the promotion of village companies.
The camellia colony was designated Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Monument No. 27 for its scenic excellence, conservation value, and authenticity. The camellia trees were planted in 1706 when the village started and today the colony has a total area of 2,360㎡ with 90 camellia trees. 10,000 tourists visit the village annually when the flowers are in bloom. Whilst embarking on a guided tour visitors can also experience the stone walls around the camellia tree colony, and a traditional Jeju “tongsi” toilet (preserved and marked with signage).

Protecting Camelia’s: Resident-led tourism initiative
The camellia colony is a public property, laying the foundation for village businesses. To address tourist inconveniences and protect the camellia colony, the village has introduced a one-way street system, speed bumps near camellia colonies, expanded tourist trails and banned large cargo vehicles from entering.

Empowering women & youth
Operation of the Dongbaek Village Mill is led by women, who develop the camellia products and services. 26 Women’s Association members and 93 female members from the Senior’s Association purchase camellia seeds and operate experience programs.
The Dongbaek Town Preservation and Research Council has 10 female members who plan and operate village tourism businesses.
The younger generation collaborates with Deo Keun Nae-il Center, a training center for young entrepreneurs to explore business ideas. They also participate in developing local tourism platforms to gain know-how and receive the necessary training to successfully operate a business.

Camellia oil centred experiences
The village is Jeju’s only producer of camellia oil, which is rich in oleic acid and has excellent nutritional properties. They have developed experience programs using camellia oil, such as cooking classes making dongbaek bibimbap, pan-fried dongbaek flower rice cakes, and bracken pasta with dongbaek oil. The classes are offered at the Dongbaek Village Mill, operated by residents to promote the village resources and local food culture.
Additionally, villagers provide tourists with a welcome dinner, including buckwheat crepes with radish filling and a charong set menu where guests can enjoy traditional Jeju cuisine.