
ALDE ZAHARRA 41, Lekunberri, 31870, Navarre

Lekunberri is strategically located between Pamplona/Iruña and San Sebastián/Donostia, in the province and autonomous community of Navarre, northern Spain. It is known because of its astonishing natural & cultural heritage, which attracts every year those who are seeking fresh air and tranquillity. Among the attractors of the area, it is essential to mention sites of interest like: Aralar Mountains & San Miguel de Aralar, the plazaola Greenway, Mendukilo cave, La Peña & La Vega Green Areas, Hirumuga Park, Beigorri Park, The old town and Antonea (Exhibition House), among others.   

Lekunberri represents a particular example of countertrend, because even though it is known that rural areas are being depopulated, during the last 25 years it has more than doubled its population and nowadays it is about 1600 inhabitants.  

The Lekunberri Town Council will continue boosting sustainable tourism as a driver for:  

  • Increasing employment opportunities, including self-employment and employment for the youth. Tourism can help to launch new businesses and reinforce the volume of activity of existing ones which is fundamental to fix population to the territory and avoid depopulation, a relevant challenge in various rural areas of Navarre. 
  • The revaluation of rural areas and as a positive incentive to develop the highest quality products and services as well as best practices. Committed to attracting visitors that share values of respect with sustainability, nature, culture, history and gastronomy. 
  • Boost the transformation and digitalization of local commerce to meet the expectations of different client profiles, including regional, national and international visitors. 
  • Increasing local training and development of new skills that contribute to welcome and host visitors.  
  • Attracting visitors to Lekunberri is also beneficial for the surrounding rural areas such as Larraun Valley, Imoz Valley, Basaburua Valley, etc. with fewer inhabitants and more isolated. Lekunberri is an economic engine and services provider for these other areas.



Culture, tradition and promotion

The Town Council is committed to the conservation and enhancement of its cultural resources, including tangible and intangible resources, through various activities: fests and celebrations, gastronomy and the historical heritage that has been boosted through the recent opening QR code signs.


Easing access to entrepreneurship for young people

Economic sustainability has a key role in the village thanks to the supporting workshops enabled for the creation of a proper ecosystem for young entrepreneurship, the development of businesses, support the local SMEs around the tourism sector and local agri-producers.