Saty is located in the state national park “Kolsai Kolderi” which was founded in 2007. The park extends along the northern slope of the Tien Shan mountains, between the Zailiysky Alatau and Kungei-Alatau mountain ranges, near the eastern border of Kyrgyzstan. The purpose of creating the park is to preserve the state natural reserve fund of biological diversity and unique natural objects of extraordinary ecological and scientific value. Many rare and endangered species live in the national park, notably the Tien Shan brown bear, snow leopard and Turkestan lynx. The biosphere reserve spans cover a main area of 242,085 hectares. The main natural attraction of the park is the Kolsai Lakes, located 320 km from Almaty. Locals call the Kolsai Lakes “The Pearls of the Tien Shan”. The lakes have been included in the UNESCO World Network. On September 15, 2021, UNESCO included the National Natural Park “Kolsai Kolderi” in its worldwide network of biosphere reserves. The picturesque Lake Kaiyndy is also located in the park.
The village implements strategies to effectively showcase its unique offerings, including creating promotional materials, demonstrating its natural beauty at tourism fairs and exhibitions, and collaborating with tour operators to increase visibility and attract visitors. Saty encourages the development of new and unique tourism products. This involves the introduction of innovative activities, such as eco-friendly adventure tours, or immersive local experiences that differentiate Saty from other destinations. The village also emphasizes the consumption of locally produced goods and services, promoting traditional crafts, local farmers, and culinary delights. The village residents have small cattle and poultry farms and grow vegetables and fruits. As a result, community members can sell meat and dairy products and cook all the dishes offered to visitors using local products.

Utilizing Digital Technology
Saty village has implemented modern communication technologies like internet access and mobile networks to connect the community with the outside world. This infrastructure enables better communication and information sharing among residents and supports local businesses by facilitating online transactions, marketing, and networking. The village embraces digital marketing and virtual experiences, leveraging technological advancements and changing travel behaviours. By embracing creativity, innovation, and technology, the village positions itself as a unique destination, attracting visitors seeking authentic experiences and cultural immersion. These initiatives contribute to rural development, enhancing residents’ quality of life and securing the village’s prosperous and sustainable future.

Showcasing Cultural Assets
Saty showcases its cultural assets worldwide by providing hands-on experience to tourists. Offering homestays and cultural experiences to tourists is a particularly effective way to promote the intangible cultural resources of Saty. The village provides immersive opportunities for visitors to engage with the local culture and traditions, such as participating in master classes, installing traditional Altybakan swings, and offering yurts as accommodation, the village fosters understanding, appreciation, and respect for its intangible heritage. These experiences allow tourists to interact directly with the community, learn from locals, and gain firsthand knowledge of the unique practices and customs of the region. This approach benefits the conservation and promotion of cultural resources and contributes to sustainable tourism development by attracting responsible travellers who value cultural immersion and are willing to support the local community.

Kazakhstan Tourist Association (KTA) engaged guest houses of Saty in working withto the SUSTOUKA (Sustainable tourism in Kazakhstan) project. KTA developed a guide on implementing sustainable consumption and production (SCP) practices in the accommodation sector in Kazakhstan, including Saty and conducted training in Saty with the engagement of a trainer on sustainable tourism from Latvia. The SUSTOUKA project is funded by the European Union under the SWITCH-Asia Programme and promotes green financing in Kazakhstan’s tourism sector.