




Schladming, Styria, Liezen, Austria

Nestled within the picturesque Niedere Tauern mountains, Schladming is more than a medieval town; it’s a destination that seamlessly integrates industrial and cultural facets. Unlike typical ski resorts, Schladming boasts two captivating Romanesque and Gothic churches, an 18th-century town square, and a rich history of hosting prestigious skiing competitions, including the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships in 1982 and 2013. 

 At its heart lies a commitment to tourism as the driving force of the region, prioritizing harmony with nature, sustainable practices, and the preservation of economic, ecological, and social values , with a focus on regional products, nature protection, and cultural identity.  

 Schladming’s Wild Water Theme Trail encapsulates the town’s commitment to sustainable tourism, cultural richness, and environmental stewardship. As a recipient of titles like “National Geographic hiking trail” and “most beautiful quality seal-certified tour,” it stands as a testament to nature’s splendor and the community’s dedication to preserving it. 

 The village is a cultural gem with tangible and intangible treasures. The Bruderladenhaus Schladming, Nickel Museum Obertal, and historic churches showcase its tangible heritage, while unique custom of waking up the virgins on Corpus Christi add to the intangible cultural wealth. Events like MID Europe and Hiarest Sunntog, along with the preservation of local crafts and industries, contribute to its vibrant cultural scene. 

 Schladming is a harmonious blend of history, culture, and nature, preserving its heritage while embracing the future. 




Environmental Conservation and Waste Reduction

Schladming takes proactive steps towards environmental conservation and waste reduction, showcasing a commitment to responsible stewardship of its natural resources. The “Less Waste for a Feeling of Living” project is a creative endeavor aimed at reducing waste, while a Green Event Manual sets mandatory environmental standards for events, ensuring that even large gatherings adhere to sustainable practices.

The town proudly boasts businesses certified with the Austrian Eco-label, setting a high standard for sustainability in the region.

 Training and webinars within the tourism industry contribute to a comprehensive strategy, and innovative approaches like the use of QR codes in multiple languages educate visitors about responsible waste management. 


Smart City Vision

Embarking on a journey toward a sustainable future, Schladming envisions a Smart City through an Integrated and Socially Innovative Local CORE Development Strategy. 

Involving citizens and stakeholders in the planning and utilizing phases, this strategy focuses on the sustainable development of the city center, incorporating digital innovations and climate-conscious initiatives. 


Sustainable Tourism Development

Schladming prioritizes the qualitative development of tourism, intertwining agriculture, leisure, and social life. This perspective is encapsulated in initiatives that promote regional products, emphasize the protection of nature, and foster a deep connection to cultural identity.  

The innovative “Sommercard” is a testament to this commitment, offering free access to a plethora of attractions and facilitating genuine guest engagement by providing information in multiple languages. Schladming’s vision extends beyond transient experiences, seeking a qualitative evolution of tourism that aligns with ecological, economic, and social values. 

Under the motto “Treasures from the region,” local producers offer a diverse range of products, from “Loden” clothing to fine spirits. Craftsmanship passed down through generations, coupled with a love for the homeland, defines the unique offerings.