




Slunj, Hrvatska- Croatia

Slunj, situated on the serene banks of the Slunjčica and Korana rivers, is strategically leveraging tourism as a catalyst for rural development while prioritizing the preservation of its rich natural and cultural heritage. The town recognizes the need to mitigate potential negative impacts of tourism by implementing sustainable practices, safeguarding protected landscapes, and investing in both physical and digital infrastructure.  

The Water Secrets of Slunj project stands out as a testament to this commitment, focusing on the responsible management of the Slunjčica and Rastoke landscapes. Through innovative initiatives like interpretive paths and improved infrastructure, the project aims to enhance visitor experiences while ensuring the sustainable utilization of the region’s natural treasures. 

In addition to its emphasis on tourism, Slunj places a high value on preserving its cultural heritage. Traditional practices, including local songs, dances, and liturgical rituals, are actively promoted, contributing to the town’s unique identity. Restoration projects for historical buildings and events showcasing traditional skills further underscore Slunj’s dedication to cultural preservation. 

Events like Mill Days and historical walking tours celebrate local intangible heritage, fostering community engagement and a sense of pride. 

Slunj, with its Natura 2000-protected landscapes and various green projects, aligns with the global call for environmental responsibility. The city’s forward-thinking Waste Management Plan and smart city development strategy position it as a model for holistic, sustainable growth. As a member of the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities, Slunj not only cherishes its history but also embraces modern connectivity, ensuring it remains an attractive destination for both locals and global travellers. 



Cultural Resilience and Heritage Preservation

Slunj stands as a custodian of cultural heritage, ensuring the continuity of traditions like local songs, traditional dances, and liturgical rituals. Through events, restoration projects, and initiatives like Mill Days, the town not only keeps these traditions alive but actively involves the community. By celebrating local intangible heritage, Slunj fosters a sense of identity and belonging, creating a vibrant cultural tapestry.


Sustainable Tourism and Environmental Stewardship

The town’s approach to tourism goes beyond economic gains; it prioritizes environmental sustainability. Projects like “Drop the plastic, make a difference” highlight the town’s commitment to reducing plastic use and encouraging sustainable practices.

 The Waste Management Plan, smart city initiatives, and Natura 2000 protection further underscore Slunj’s dedication to minimizing its ecological footprint and preserving its natural beauty.


Economic Empowerment and Innovation

Slunj’s economic strategy goes hand in hand with community empowerment. Through grants, subsidies, and programs like Zaželi, the town actively supports entrepreneurship, especially for women and ethnic minorities. 

By promoting local products, integrating the value chain, and investing in green innovation, Slunj is not only securing economic benefits but also fostering a resilient and diverse local economy.