




Taquile, Puno, Peru


Taquile stands out as one of the most uniquely located places in the Puno region, southern Peru, where ancient customs and traditions of the region are kept alive. Situated amidst the world’s highest navigable lake, Lake Titicaca, the village of Taquile forms an island known for its preservation of natural resources, ancestral cultural values, and above all, the art of textile weaving, a daily practice for men and women of all ages. 

Until the 1950s, the inhabitants of Taquile were largely isolated from life beyond the lake. This isolation served to strengthen the sense of community among its families. This characteristic is still evident today in the way they organize and collectively make decisions. 

Taquile’s cultural and natural heritage has gained global recognition. Lake Titicaca, surrounding the island of Taquile, was included in the World Heritage List of the 1972 UNESCO Convention, and Taquile’s textile art was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2005. The textile tradition in Taquile dates back to the ancient Inca, Pukara, and Colla civilizations and has preserved elements of pre-Hispanic cultures on the high plateau. 

Taquile has worked diligently to promote and document its cultural heritage. In 2015, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the sponsorship of UNESCO, the book “Traditional Textiles of Taquile” was published, systematizing the inventory of traditional garments developed under the Traditional Textile Knowledge Transmission Strengthening Project of Taquile. 



Preserving cultural heritage within the family 

Taquileños learn the art of textile weaving from their father or mother, depending on their gender. This process begins in childhood, and aside from making them skilled weavers, it instills in them a love and appreciation for their culture. Men produce “chullos” and women make belts, “llicllas,” and bags. The textile tradition of Taquile embodies the complementary roles of men and women in their work and artistic creations.


Trademark for the exceptional

The district municipality of Taquile, in collaboration with the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property, is undertaking a project for the registration of collective trademarks. This process facilitates the identification of the origin, unique attributes, and shared characteristics of products or services from producers, artisans, or microenterprises in the village’s tourism sector. The project aims to effectively distinguish Taquile‘s products and services from similar ones outside of the locality. 


Community work, collective benefits

Taquile has implemented the model of community-based rural tourism. This collective management model respects the island’s traditional way of life and promotes the economic development of the entire community. The revenue from tourist activities is equally distributed among families in Taquile. Additionally, tourist services are managed on a rotational and equitable basis. Community spirit is also demonstrated in “minkas“; collective work sessions where the entire community participates in tasks such as building agricultural terraces, fishing, and crafting textiles.