

Nestled in the heart of Feng Shu Ling Town, Chun An County, Zhejiang Province, China, Xiajiang is no ordinary place. With an illustrious history spanning over eight centuries, this charming village is undergoing a remarkable transformation, with tourism as its driving force. Xiajiang Village’s foremost commitment is to safeguard its time-honored traditions and cultural heritage. Through imaginative tourism endeavors, the village is breathing new life into ancient customs, such as local operas and the art of tea-making. These traditions are not merely preserved but also shared with visitors, infusing the village with a renewed cultural vibrancy. To secure a sustainable future, Xiajiang Village is weaving together the threads of agriculture and tourism. This innovative approach diversifies their industrial landscape, blending traditional farming with immersive tourist experiences. Beyond their picturesque landscapes and vibrant traditions, Xiajiang Village has set its sights on a higher purpose – poverty alleviation. The village serves as a beacon, rallying the surrounding areas to join in the tourism journey. This initiative creates jobs, nurtures rural entrepreneurship, and uplifts the lives of villagers, fostering a brighter and more prosperous community. In Xiajiang Village, tourism isn’t just about attracting travelers; it’s about preserving the past, creating a sustainable future, and weaving a tapestry of experiences that resonate with the modern world.



Cultural Heritage Preservation

Cultural Heritage Preservation Intangible cultural heritage, including local operas and tea-making techniques, takes center stage in Xiajiang, showcased through vibrant performances and immersive experiences. This not only preserves these cherished traditions but also fuels the village’s economic and social development. Tourism serves as a powerful magnet, enticing skilled individuals back to the village. Its economic landscape has shifted from a sole focus on agriculture to a dynamic blend of agriculture, culture, and tourism. This transformation has spurred a growing demand for a diverse range of talents in rural areas, creating new employment opportunities. Remarkably, the village has witnessed an influx of 107 skilled individuals in recent years, each contributing their expertise to the rural renaissance.


Rural Tourism Development

Rural Tourism Development Alliance Collaborating with neighboring villages, Xiajiang Village forms a rural tourism development alliance, igniting progress. Since its inception in 2019, this alliance has not only attracted more tourists but also boosted annual tourism income, surpassing 100 million RMB ($14 million), casting a bright future for the entire region.


Low-carbon B&B Group

Low-carbon B&B Group Xiajiang Village pioneers a ‘low-carbon’ B&B group, championing ecological sustainability. With stringent standards for B&B construction that prioritize eco-friendliness and cultural authenticity, they have redefined hospitality.